
Novel Cosmochemistry from Spacecraft Returned Small-Body Samples

Details of research theme

【Individual Research】
This project studies the co-evolution of the planetary interior, surface, and atmosphere by geo-/cosmo/astrobio-chemical analyses of meteorites and samples returned by Hayabusa-1/2 and NASA’s OSIRIS-REx and Apollo missions. Spectroscopy and mass-spectrometry studies of chemical speciation of geochemical tracers and chronometers constitute a core element of this project.


【JAXA Project】
This project endeavors to develop a low-blank analytical flow of comprehensive isotope and chemical speciation analyses of a small amount of extraterrestrial samples. This technique will eventually be applied to the ongoing and future sample return missions such as Hayabusa-2, OSIRIS-REx, and MMX.


【Human resources development unique to ISAS 】
The successful candidate will acquire experience in astromaterial curation and analysis. He/she will play a crucial role in future sample return missions based on their expertise.



<Scope of change in work> None

(If there is a change beyond the work related to the above work content, the contract will be revised)

Required abilities, qualities, and experience

Skills/Experiences in cosmochemistry, geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology, Planetary Science, Astronomy, Instrument Development, Applied Physics, Analytical Chemistry

Ratios(Project Contribution)


Research environment after arriving at one’s post.

He/She can work at Astromaterials Science Research group (ASRG), ISAS, JAXA and at universities/research institutes outside JAXA. Returned sample curation facilities and instruments (EPMA, FE-SEM, TEM, micro-IR, micro-Raman, FIB, ultramicrotome, XRD, GC-MS, ICP-MS, XCT) at ASRG are available for research. 

Research supervisor/Prospective mentor

JAXA ISAS Astromaterials Science Research Group   Professor Tomohiro Usui/Professor Tomohiro Usui


JAXA Sagamihara Campus 


<Scope of change> If the organization conducts telework regularly, the location; if the location of work changes due to organizational reorganization, the location determined by the organization


JAXA ISAS Astromaterials Science Research Group



3 years


・Contract of employment will be concluded each fiscal year.
・Applicants will not be hired as a permanent employee after the term of service.
・Employment period may be extended up to 3 years for the longest, in consideration of research evaluation every fiscal year.

Closing Date

August 30(Fri), 2024 17:00(JST)
* Closing Date is mandatory.
* Please note that you are not able to pre-apply during 1a.m.~5a.m.(JST) on the third Thursday of each month due to regular system maintenance. Thank you for avoiding the certain time.

Selection Schedule

The result of the first selection will be announced by the end of September, 2024.

Online Interview: Middle-October, 2024(Scheduled for October 16th)

* On the day of the event, you will be required to give a 10-minute presentation on your research plan and future career vision. Those who have passed the document screening will need to send the above presentation materials (PDF) by the interview date.

* Schedule is subject to change.

Attached document

 Please check the JAXA Aerospace Project Research Associate Recruitment page "Required Documents" of ISAS carefully before applying.


"FORM 2 Letter of Recommendation" (in PDF)


Letter of Recommendation must be attached by the applicant or sent by the recommender by email ( " isas-hrtask*ml.jaxa.jp ". Please change * to @)

If you do not send a Letter of Recommendation, your application will be invalid.

Contact information

Please enter "JAXA Aerospace Project Research Associate Recruitment" in the subject line and send.

Please refrain from making inquiries other than those related to recruitment.


■For specific inquiries about the research theme;

  ISAS Astromaterials Science Research Group  Tomohiro Usui: usui.tomohiro*jaxa.jp


■For general inquiries

JAXA HR Office: jaxacareer*jaxa.jp


Please change * to @ above.
